Homeowners in Bradford or surrounding areas, you have an opportunity of qualifying for a grant under the Government free boiler scheme Bradford. Free Boiler Grant Bradford runs a nationwide free boiler scheme which is backed by the Government under the Eco Scheme operated by the ‘big six’ utility companies.

Our team at free boiler scheme in Bradford are highly trained in the application process for this Government grant boiler scheme and are awaiting to assist eligible Bradford residents with their grant application for a free survey, boiler inspection and installation.

How to Qualify for Free Boiler Scheme Bradford

In order to qualify for a grant under the free boiler in Bradford, applicants need to fulfill certain criteria. These include the following:

1) You must be a owner-occupier. (No rented properties)
2) Existing boiler must be a non-condensing boiler, approximately 15 years or older.
3) Currently be in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits below.

Child Benefit
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
Income Related ESA
Income Support
Pensions Credit
Universal Credit

Full list of qualifying benefits, please click here

Provided you meet all of the above criteria, you will be eligible to apply for a free A+ rated energy efficient boiler and installation under the Government Eco grant initiative. To start your application or to get some more information about the free boiler scheme, fill in the short form here or call us on 01274 350047. We will be able to answer any questions you may have.

How Can the Government Give Free Boiler Grants?

With this Government Grant initiative, it is actually the ‘big six’ energy companies that are obliged to fund the free boilers and installations to qualifying households, so the free boiler is actually no cost to the taxpayer. We source funds from this grant to remove, replace and maintain free boilers for the successful applicants in Bradford area and nationally.

You, as a receiver of free boiler scheme Bradford will not be required to pay absolutely nothing or nominal greatly reduced contribution towards the full cost. Therefore, you can replace your old boiler for a new one at a fraction of the cost.

Please Act Quickly as there are Limited Funds Remaining – Click Here to Apply

Slash Your Heating Bill at No Cost

Considering that an old boiler may only have around 65% efficiency of operation, it is wasting at least 35% of the energy that the boiler produces. This, quite literally means that 35 pence in every pound (£) you spend on fuel is being wasted.

Try comparing this with a new boiler that comes with an energy-efficiency rating of ‘A+’ and has approximately 90% efficiency of operation. With a new boiler, the energy wastage only equates to around 10p in the pound.

All this means that the average household could save up to £350 per year on energy costs, simply by replacing their old boiler with a new one and it may not cost you a penny! Could you do with this sort of money back in your pocket?

If the answer is YES, complete the short form above or ring us on above number and we start your application process. We will guide, assist and advice all the way through until you have your brand new money saving boiler installed in your house.

Our Commitment to You Under the Free Boiler Scheme Bradford

We are committed to making sure that every household that is eligible for the grant under the free boiler scheme, has their application accepted. Our friendly team of highly qualified professionals are waiting for your call so they can get to work on getting your application accepted.

At free boiler scheme in Bradford, we only work with bona fide gas safe installers, this allows us to be totally confidant in the work, products and service that we deliver. You can have that same level of confidence, by choosing our professional boiler installation services TODAY.

Remember, you’re less than a minute away from getting your boiler grant, fill in the short form today or call us on 08000614666. We have staff waiting to help you right now, so get in touch and save a fortune on new boiler installation and running costs.